Is There Any Job On Earth Better Than Being A "Prostitute Tester?" - Daily Mail March 24th
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Imagine a world where you get paid to have sex with hookers. Imagine not only do they not cost you money, but you actually profit from them. Like a restaurant critic or a wine tasting professional. Except instead of trying out food and swirling cabernet, you’re testing out various holes on hookers. Some good, some bad. Passing along your recommendation. You’re like a college admissions dean but you’re deciding which chicks go on to be prestigious whores and which ones have to go give out blow Js in back alleys for like 30 bucks.
What a gig. I cant really see any down side. A “bad” hooker is probably still a lot of fun. Sort of like pizza. Worst pizza still makes you happy when its late and you’re drunk. Minus any STDs. Probably get a lot of STDs being a pro hooker-fucker.