Raw Last Night, With Wrestlemania This Sunday, Ended In Just About The Dumbest Way Possible
The difference in the hype leading up to Wrestlemania between this year and last year is like night and day. Last year, it was so fun– you had Daniel Bryan and his “YES!” chant cross over into the mainstream. Daniel Bryan was getting new eyes on the product because he’s likable and catchy and easy to cheer for. I could actually do wrestling blogs about Daniel Bryan without getting heat from the peasants because it’s really hard to not like Daniel Bryan.
Flash forward to this year. Very little hype. The big main event is between Brock Lesnar, who is supposed to be the bad guy, and Roman Reigns, who was handpicked by Vince to be his next big thing…who unfortunately for Vince not many people like. But that hasn’t stopped them from pushing Reigns to the moon, despite all the boos and backlash. Then last night on Raw, the last chance to try to make Reigns likable before the biggest and most important show of the year…they have Reigns and Lesnar play some weird tug-of-war in the middle of the ring over the belt. Then the show just went to commercial..and never came back. I even hit rewind on my TV to see if I missed something…nope. Last year the Raw before Mania ended with Bryan kicking everyone’s ass and 20,000 people doing his YES! chant, a really great moment. This year it ended with two grown adults smirking at each other and then went to commercial. Nice job, Vince. Nice job.
So your main event on Sunday is a part-timer in Lesnar who will probably get cheered, and Roman Reigns, who they want to be the next big face of the company, who is just so boring and gets audible boos from the crowd. It really has the potential to be a disaster, if you include the fact Reigns doesn’t put on the best matches.
I’ll do a full Mania preview laster this week where I’ll pick my winner of this match and all the other ones. Plus myself and JJ talked with Noelle Foley (Mick’s daughter) on his podcast Yuppie Junk, which will drop on Thursday.