Tampa Bay Lightning Scoreboard Operator Had Some Pretty Solid Trash Talking After Yesterday's Game
I’m not going to sit here and try and make excuses for yesterday’s game. The Bruins stunk and will probably be lucky to make the playoffs. That’s all the wrap up you need. But this was pretty good. But I do have to say that the only reason so many people from Boston who have to re-locate to Florida become Lightning fans is because they’re the safe choice. Being a fan of the Lightning is never going to break your heart because you never expect anything out of them. No one is ever going to call you out for liking the Lightning and the Bruins because no one cares about the Lightning, they’re just the cute warm weather team with the goofy jerseys. People will move there and get season tickets because those only cost like 10 bucks for a year then take their kid to the games when a real team is in town. So I’ll give it to the operator here, pretty solid burn. But not all of us jumped off the Bruins wagon and onto the Lightning. I happened to land on the Red Sox. Two weeks to opening day!
h/t @RealEthanHunter