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Introducing The Most Ruthless Note In the History of Notes





DM – A woman with a prosthetic leg is fighting back after a neighbor left a scathing note on her car when she complained they had parked in her reserved space. Ashley Brady, 26, has had to learn how to walk again after losing her right leg in an accident last summer and during the recent snowstorm, she struggled to cross the parking lot. So her apartment complex in Miamisburg, Ohio created a handicapped parking spot at the bottom of the steps to her home. But on Saturday, two days after the spot was designated for handicapped people only, she found another car there with no placard displayed in its window, WKEF reported. So she left a note pointing out the error and warning the driver that their car would be towed if they left it there again. She was stunned when she found a note under her own windshield.


Listen this is not a nice note.  The person who wrote it probably isn’t the nicest human ever to come down the pike.  Also they were clearly in the wrong taking this handicap person’s spot in the first place.  But god damn it if I don’t respect it.  I mean go big or go home right?  Just a savage note from beginning to end. Talking about one leg support groups.  And that part about go cry to somebody who cares cause she’s walking away with both her legs?  Be meaner.  You can’t.   If you’re gonna be the bad guy own it.  This person did.