
Telling a Woman She's "Got Balls" Has Been Ruled a Term of Endearment in the UK

Last month, Rachel Power, a UK woman, and contractor at a Tech firm had her sexual harassment claim against CEO and tech mogul Pieter Danhieux, thrown out by a London Employment Tribunal.  The case comes from a 2018 incident on the office messaging software Slack, where Power was accused of trying to get Danhieux to relinquish his position as CEO.  Danhieux responded by telling Power she's "got balls", and Power promptly filed suit.  

While we do not necessarily agree with the caption, whether it's in jest or not, and feel all sexual harassment claims should be taken seriously and given the utmost degree of due diligence, this case was dismissed and the replies are hilarious nonetheless.  Let's take a look.  

A simple fix for this guy would be a section on LinkedIn that lists your trigger words and phrases and allows input from past co-workers. 

I got lost in the second half of this one, but I think this guy is suggesting that men should stay at home where they belong and to that, sir, I say, GET WITH THE TIMES! Not all of us can be a King like you.  

Danhieux's full message read, "So I heard…that you asked for me to step down from the CEO role. Must admit, you got balls as a contractor."  Which is hilarious when you read it in a funky British accent.  Power said his words were 'highly offensive' and claimed that he would not have used the same words to a man.  She's right… To tell a man he's "got balls" would be stating the obvious and do no justice.  Danhieux's attempt at intimidation would probably be better served by calling a man a pussy, which there's no doubt he's done before.   

The Employment Tribunal tasked with hearing this case dismissed the claims against Danhieux saying that he used a "turn of phrase" which he did not associate with sex and it was merely "a colloquialism for defiant bravery."  

Watch the full story covered on today's episode of Hard Factor News, and catch all-new episodes Monday-Friday.  Your daily dose of News Cocaine.  

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