
These Japanese "Murder Hornets" Are Actually Little Bitches

Fake news is the bane of the world's existence. Reporters, blue checks and media outlets all over the world get off on spreading fear porn and I'm sick and tired of it, so I'm taking it upon myself to combat it singlehandedly. Don't call me a hero. Don't call me a saint. I'm just performing what I feel is my god given duty as an internet blogger.

And the latest in fake news fear porn is this "murder hornet" hubbub. It has the internet in a TIZZY right now. Here's a fun fact:

And you know how I know that's a fact? Because the internet told me so. Duh. But now we're learning that Japanese honeybees have learned to "cook" these phonies just by shaking their assholes in their faces, generating enough body heat to fry a murder hornet's fraudulent face off:

To hell with you bastards!! Murder hornet shmurder hornet. More like "I can't even stand 115 degree body heat" hornet amirite? So to all of the people scared shitless that the world is ending because we're about to get overtaken by Murder Hornets…


Just know that in 2-3 human generations or so European and American honeybees will evolve to the point where they can naturally defend themselves against them. Hopefully. And we can too by stomping on them with our shoes or dousing them with raid if need be until then. 

And speaking of body heat, I just unlocked a new thermal optic scope in Call of Duty and plan on using it to murk bitches as if their Murder Hornets myself today. I'll be doing so with Glenny Balls and Smitty. The Murder Hornets of Verdansk better be shitting their pants.

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