
"Vacant Vegas" Is Worse Than Murder Hornets And Alien Invasions Combined

Damn. That brought a tear to my eye. Seeing Vegas empty makes me hate coronavirus and quarantine more than anything. Vegas is the land of opportunity. A place where amateurs can sit with pros and win. Where you can check-raise stupid tourists and take huge pots off of them. The best food and women money can buy...or so I've heard. But seeing it empty like that, that's pure sadness. The Strip is supposed to be packed with tourists and tiny asian ladies passing out cards with prostitutes on them. People are supposed to be gathered, ooo'ing and ahh'ing at the Bellagio Fountains. Clubs should be filled with bachelor and bachelorette parties with really drunk guys making incredibly reckless financial decisions to buy that $500 bottle of Grey Goose to impress a girl from Minnesota he met 5 minutes ago. That's what Vegas is all about. 

Sadly though it's closed for now. Rightfully, but sadly as well. It's going to be so strange when it re-opens. I wonder how long we will be scared of crowds. Scared of standing and sitting next to strangers. Scared to kiss random girls at clubs. Such a weird phenomenon to consider- we've gone our whole lives never even thinking about standing in line, and now it's basically a Jeff Bagwell sized federal crime if you stand within 6 feet of someone else. So strange.

I hope to be back to Vegas in the winter. That's my hope. No idea what it'll look like or feel like, I just know I miss all of it. Safety first but also, if you get it in Vegas it stays in Vegas, right? Rightttt? Fuck it, if I get it there, it'll be worth it.