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VIDEO: Flight Out Of Dulles Had To Make An Emergency Landing After a Passenger Tried To Storm The Cockpit And He Was Tackled By Other Passengers


Great heads up plays by the other passengers on the plane. The last thing you want to deal with on a plane is some unruly passenger storming the cockpit. It’s like oh come on, it’s 7 in the morning, do I really need to go pin down a crazy guy until we land? So you finish your tiny cup of soda they give you and pin the guy down. Good work by them. Literally a bottom 5 situation you can be in is someone going nuts on your flight, so good for everyone to handle this. Hopefully they let everyone get in a punch or kick for this guy completely ruining their day. It’d only be fair.


As for the passenger who was pinned down, obviously that guy is a bit unstable. But to act out on an airplane? Ugh. We all just want to get on that big metal bird and fly through the air. It’s scary enough as it is. Planes go missing every other day now. Go act out somewhere else. Ain’t nobody got time for other people’s problems on an airplane.