
Vallejo California City Official Turns Up Too Hard During Lockdown Zoom Meeting

On today's episode of Hard Factor News, lockdown gets the best of another Zoom meeting, as a City Official in Vallejo California resigns from his job, before getting fired and after getting a little out of hand during a Planning Commission public hearing.   


When the Vallejo City's Planning Commission had the bright idea to hold their public hearing Zoom call on 4/20, Chris Platzer, one of the officials on the commission, was furious that he had to attend, but he wasn't going to let that stop his turn up during lockdown.  Toward the end of the call, Platzer, who looks and sounds higher than the tallest giant's nut sack, was finally fed up with the meows coming from the cat his wife probably took off the street to his adamant objection and picked him up to politely introduce it to the rest of the meeting.  He then LAUNCHES the cat over the computer screen where you can then hear a loud thud.  

Right off the bat you know he's a wild card.  He's hesitant to begin talking and the rest of the call looks hesitant to let him talk at all. Also, All-time reaction from the guy in the top left. But that wasn't it from Platzer! 

If there's one thing that pairs well with a Monday afternoon City Planning Commission Zoom call, it's a cold one.  Party Man Platz, as I'm assuming they call him, wasn't going to let this call get in the way of his day of celebration.  Platzer reportedly walked off-screen at one point, returning with a beer, most likely not the first of the day, and tossed it back on camera.  


Once the meeting ended, Platzer, still broadcasting, started to let loose.  Not his clothes, thankfully, but his thoughts.  Before turning off his video feed, Platzer takes his time to shit talk other city officials, calling them out on their bull shit and calling them little bitches.  

“I serve at the pleasure of the council and no longer have that trust and backing … I extend my gratitude to those who have supported me during my tenure. I have always felt that serving Vallejo in a voluntary position is honorable because Vallejo is worth serving. We are all living in uncertain times and I certainly, like many of you, am adjusting to a new normalcy.” Platzer wrote -- The Vallejo Times Herald

His "new normalcy" is going to be yuggin' beers off-camera now as Platzer's legendary streak came to an end that day when he apologized and later resigned just as the City Council probably convened a meeting to fire his ass.

Get the full story covered on today's episode of Hard Factor News (and below) and hear more like it Monday - Friday. 

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