
I Am So Fucking Sick Of Being Disrespected

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Ya know, I think of myself as a pretty strong willed individual, I can put up with alot of the shit that gets thrown my way but every now and then it wears on me. I'm a human to, I know there are some other things going on in the world that might be more serious but do you know what it's like to wake up every day and get berated everyday by my coworkers, random people on the internet and even my own girlfriend saying things like "ohhh Hank you have an appetite of a 4 year old" or "ughh Hank you can't read" "Hank my cousin with no thumbs is better than COD at you FFFFF ughhh". 

Im telling you it wears on me. Then after thouroughly beating PFT Commentator in Table Tennis last week I check and see this

are you fucking kidding me! Enough is enough. It's time for me to shut the haters up once and for all and show them that I can really be someone in this world. 4-1 beatdown starting at 6pm.


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