Francesa Mongo Showdown - SF/NYG Giants Caller vs Bassmaster Classic Caller
A couple of primo, Grade A mongos called into Francesa the past couple days. Yesterday was Dan in Warwick, who basically asked if the SF Giants and NYG Giants have some sort of special kinship because they share a name:
and then today was Ryan from Hoboken asking about the BassMaster Classic:
I know people think that Francesa can sometimes be a dick. I know sometimes he cuts people off and can be very short and a lot of people take that to mean his an old curmudgeon. But you gotta realize when you’ve been taking calls like this for 25 years eventually you just gotta get sick of it. Like I though he did a remarkable job with both these days as far as being polite about everything. If there was ever a time he’d tell someone to “Get Lawst” it would be the guy asking about baseball/football Giants dinners and the 49 pounds of bass the North Carolina bassmaster took down. I mean truly go shovel some old lady’s walk. You’ve got to have better things to do than call in about this.