At Long Last!! The Kim Kardashian Video Game is Coming!! Hallelujer!!!
Everyone together now…YES! YES! YES! YES! EXACTLY what we needed! What the world has been begging for. Is Kim Kardashian a psychic? Gotta be right? How else would she know that the thing we have all been crying ourselves to sleep at night isn’t not having insurance when we inevitably get in a car crash and break every bone in our body, but the fact she hasn’t had a video game yet? Yea, riddle me that. I think I’m going to buy an Xbox just for this sole purpose. And I I will PRAY that it’s also a social game and people will send me Facebook notifications to unlock new levels. That’s what I really want in my life. Oh, how great would that be. Did the cunt do it again…or did the cunt do it again?!