
ESPN Released A Teaser For The Dennis Rodman Episode And Obviously It Looks Fucking Awesome

I don't need much more than a minute+ story on Rodman going to Vegas in the middle of the '98 season to get my dick hard these days. Call me old fashioned but that's just the truth. Now mix in Scottie, Michael, Phil and the boys reliving the moment in unison... sue me fore getting passionate for good editing and better storytelling. This is the kind of stuff we signed up for when this doc got announced originally. 

Not that parts 1 & 2 weren't phenomenal. Obviously they were amazing with or without the quarantine and you can recap my reaction with Eddie and Trill here:

For now I think we can all agree that the best is definitely yet to come. A lot of people said they needed more Rodman opening week but I kinda like keeping him in the bullpen while we lay the complete foundation on Michael's personality. The longer we wait, the more character development between MJ and Phil and Scottie, the more ridiculous Dennis is going to be when the stories start to actually come out. 

One relationship I'm dying to learn more about is Kukoc and Rodman. Two forwards that went about their business completely differently. One with a background and natural depth for international diplomacy. The other one fresh off the boat from Croatia. I feel like that would do good ratings on it's own, but it would be nice to get a small taste whenever the Rodman doc drops. 

Until then get familiar