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DC Nightclub Found Guilty Of Negligence After a Woman Kills Someone Drinking and Driving

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me, drunk.

Post - A D.C. Superior Court jury this week found the owners of a former Adams Morgan nightclub negligent for serving a customer too many drinks before the customer got into her car and fatally struck a pedestrian in 2010. After a week-long trial, the jury Tuesday found the District Lounge and Bar and its owner negligent and ordered it to pay $1 million in the death of Julia Bachleitner. Bachleitner, 26, an Austrian student who was attending graduate school at Johns Hopkins University, was trying to cross near 18th and U Streets in Adams Morgan when a Dodge Charger driven by Chamica Adams, 25, of Mitchellville, Md. struck her. Adams, authorities said, had been drinking at the District Lounge prior to the incident. Club owners at the time had argued that Adams had been drinking prior to arriving at their club after police found an almost empty bottle of Grand Marnier in her glove box. In the lawsuit on behalf of Bachleitner’s family, the family’s attorney, Gabriel Assaad, argued that during an open bar happy hour, the club’s bartender served Adams five drinks within 40 minutes, which, the attorneys argued, resulted in Adams’s blood level being nearly twice the legal driving limit in the District.

Yet another case of throwing aside personality responsibility and suing the shit outta people who were just doing their job. 5 drinks in 40 minutes and the lady got in her car and killed someone, and somehow that’s the bar’s fault?! Woman has the tolerance of a midget or something? Think about if we all drove after pregaming, the streets would be empty. Would look like I Am Legend out there.

My conscious is so clear now. Every bad decision I’ve ever made while drunk hasn’t even been my fault, it’s been the faults of the bars I was at. I need to get my lawyer on the phone immediately, we’re going to fucking town! It’s time to get refunded for all the money I’ve lit on fire while drunk. The times after I left the bar and bought pizzas for everyone in line at Ratsies? Time to sue Cornerstone, they should have known not to serve me all those doubles. Sure would be nice to get back some of those 100% tips I’ve left while out to dinner. Those restaurants better lawyer the fuck up. And of course that night I lost 40% of my bank account in Atlantic City. I’m coming for ya, Borgata, and not just for the money, but also the emotional distress of sitting on my floor and staring at my bank of america balance for two hours. Clearly negligence on their part, not mine.