Surviving Barstool Season 4 Finale: Winner Revealed, Contestant Voting & ReunionWATCH HERE


I Am The Greatest Wartime Driver In The History Of Conflict & There's Video To Prove It

ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!? If there's one thing I've learned in quarantine it is that I am a hell of a driver when it comes to the vehicles in warzone. Whether it happens to be an ATV...

A jeep...

Dune buggies…


or most importantly helicopters…

It's all just an absolute CLINIC. And sure…there may be some haters out there being led by one Jerry Ferrara…

He does have a point after that or the video below…but you gotta take the good with the bad. Even Ted Williams has struck out a few times. Gotta break some eggs to make an omelette.


Today we're back and the automobile love is running through more veins. If you're playing warzone in the next few hours all I'm gonna say is look out. Check out the shirt and join the chat! - BUY BALLS SHIRT NOW BUY LINK HERE

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