
What’s Next for Coach Duggs? Rumors Begin to Swirl Leading Up to Tonight’s Decision

We are less than three hours away from what will be a monumental decision by Florida State Offensive Coordinator Gus Duggerton: His next chapter. After last night's thrilling victory in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl over UConn, it was a satisfying ending to the season for the Seminoles. 

Now, the question on everybody's mind: What's next? Is a head coaching offer on the table? Will he remain as an OC elsewhere? Does Coach Duggs run it back in Tallahassee with unfinished business? Pardon My Take's newshound and insider, Leroy, initiated some reports about tonight's choices for Coach Duggs:

These reports by the very good boy caught Big Cat (who also plays the role of Gus Duggerton) a bit off guard:


ALL of these questions and uncertainties will be answered TONIGHT at 7:30, exclusively on the Pardon My Take Twitch channel. We all know how much you love chirping Coach Duggs in the chat, but if you want to continue to A him or F him, all you have to do is subscribe. 

We'll see you at 7:30.