
Syrian Rebels Were Hacked By Fake Female Bots On Skype Offering To Have Sex Because No Matter Who You Are If You Have A Penis You Can Be Easily Duped


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WASHINGTON — To the young Syrian rebel fighter, the Skype message in early December 2013 appeared to come from a woman in Lebanon, named Iman Almasri, interested in his cause. Her picture, in a small icon alongside her name, showed a fair-skinned 20-something in a black head covering, wearing sunglasses. They chatted online for nearly two hours, seemingly united in their opposition to the rule of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian leader still in power after a civil war that has taken more than 200,000 lives. Eventually saying she worked “in a programing company in Beirut,” the woman asked the fighter whether he was talking from his computer or his smartphone. He sent her a photo of himself and asked for another of her in return. She sent one immediately, apologizing that it was a few years old.“Angel like,” he responded. “You drive me crazy.”

What the fighter did not know was that buried in the code of the second photo was a particularly potent piece of malware that copied files from his computer, including tactical battle plans and troves of information about him, his friends and fellow fighters. The woman was not a friendly chat partner, but a pro-Assad hacker — the photos all appear to have been plucked from the web. To gain access to information on the devices of Syrian opposition members, hackers posed as women on Skype, identified the types of devices the targets were using and sent photos laden with malware. Below are excerpts from a chat between a target and a nonexistent woman, “Iman.” 

The Syrian conflict has been marked by a very active, if only sporadically visible, cyberbattle that has engulfed all sides, one that is less dramatic than the barrel bombs, snipers and chemical weapons — but perhaps just as effective. The United States had deeply penetrated the web and phone systems in Syria a year before the Arab Spring uprisings spread throughout the country. And once it began, Mr. Assad’s digital warriors have been out in force, looking for any advantage that could keep him in power.

In this case, the fighter had fallen for the oldest scam on the Internet, one that helped Mr. Assad’s allies. The chat is drawn from a new study by the intelligence-gathering division of FireEye, a computer security firm, which has delved into the hidden corners of the Syrian conflict — one in which even a low-tech fighting force has figured out a way to use cyberespionage to its advantage. FireEye researchers found a collection of chats and documents while researching malware hidden in PDF documents, which are commonly used to share letters, books or other images. That quickly took them to the servers where the stolen data was stored.





BAHAHA you fucking IDIOTS!!!! God I love this. Welcome to the real world Syria. I don’t even know what the Syrian Rebel army is or if we like them or not but this is perfect. Whole Middle East is basically like every 13 year old on the internet. Clicking pop ups and Facebook bots offering to suck your dick out of the blue. AIM chicks with the screen name SexyAshley6969 asking you wHaTS uP?!?!  Be dumber guys. Probably think the cam girls that show up when you click on a youjizz link are free too. Furiously X’ing out of windows and shutting your computer off hoping the virus hasn’t caught on. We’ve all been there, then we grew a brain and realized women that want to have sex with you don’t exist on the internet. It’s an illusion Syria, it’s fake, read a book.





If anyone was looking for a case study on how all men can be duped by a hot chick this is it. Hot chicks can bring down any empire, that’s just science.