Boomer Takes Photos Of Ole Miss Girls Tanning On Their Front Lawn, Posts On Facebook, And His Boomer Friends Comment Up A Storm On National Horny Day
You may have missed it, but today is apparently national horny day. I'm not sure who decided that today, of all days, would be national horny day, but I don't make the rules nor the calendar.
A boomer in Oxford, Mississippi was so excited for national horny day that he started a day early:
Insanely creepy move by Mr. Hawkins. Good for one of those girls to call him out. You'd think that is where the ship would stop, but nope, Mr. Hawkins decided to keep it moving in the comments.
We know Mills Hawkins is a horny boomer, but goddamn is he a psychopath as well. Boss in front seat? Was he trying to get fired?
I mean Jesus Christ, Cindy:
Mills out here making jokes!
One of the girls Dads asked Mills to take down the photo. Out of respect, you'd think Mills would do that. However, the guy who attended "The School of Hard Knocks" doesn't listen to anybody but himself. What an absolute PSYCHO:
Mills, eventually, deleted the post, but didn't do so without posting this b-a-n-a-n-a-s post:
What a classic boomer move to say "nothing is funny, and everything is still offensive." Uhhhh, dude, nobody has ever thought it was funny to take a creepshot of college girls on their front yard and post it on your Facebook.
If you were wondering just how boomer Mills Hawkins is, take a look at the memes he's been sharing: