
A Coalfire Smokestack Was Demolished In Little Village And People Are Pissed


I'm not going to pretend like I know all the in's and out's about what could've been done, but letting the streets dust up like that in the middle of a respiratory related pandemic does not...seem great. I mean I'm pretty sure everybody would freak the fuck out if you were in your car like the picture above thinking that something else way worse was happening only to find out that it was some company just letting a monster building drop like Rod Van Dam off the top rope.

It sucks because watching something get demolished is actually pretty sick. I posted this a while back, but this video of stadiums getting blown up kept me entertained all throughout:

Walking down the street to be mauled in dust though? Probably not so great. Although I suppose everybody is supposed to be inside so it shouldn't be a big deal? 

I don't know the answer. Someone from Little Village, help me out.