
2020 Barstool Classic Update From The Commissioner

Dear Friends,

I wanted to send a note updating everyone on the latest 2020 Barstool Classic changes. We have moved the dates for the 4 stops originally scheduled for April and May. They are now: 

--> Troon North (Scottsdale), July 7th

--> Monarch Beach (SoCal), July 9th

--> Arrowhead (Denver), July 13th

--> Wildcat (Houston), September 9th

All participants have been notified and given their different options. For St. Louis, currently scheduled for June 4th, we have a backup date of July 29th ready to go, but are hoping not to have to move it. We will update ASAP if that changes.

In a surprising twist of fate, our championship weekend at Pinehurst is now the same weekend as the Masters. Full disclosure, I still haven’t decided if that’s good or bad. Could be iconic watching afternoon coverage with hundreds of avid golfers at Pinehurst competing for a prestigious title of their own. Or it could be impossible to manage both. I don’t know yet - if we move it, we’ll target dates as close as possible to the currently scheduled November 13-15th weekend. 

At the end of the day, scheduling conflicts for a golf tournament are incredibly minor compared to the problems facing millions, but I want everyone to have all available information as early as possible. 

Stay safe. We’ll keep everyone updated as more changes occur.