
Hats Off To This Couple Who Just Met Then Started Fucking Right Outside A Prom Dress Shop





First of all, the sex clip are laugh out loud funny.




I’ve never pretended to be a sex expert but it’s nice to know I’ve got better form than two, probably homeless drug addicts, who just met in Chula Vista and decided to fuck on the sidewalk. They look like Kevin James and Melissa McCarthy filming a comedy sex scene, rolling around aimlessly and eating each others’ face. I’m not one to toot my own horn but I’m like James Dean compared to these uncoordinated manatees. But more importantly, what assholes called the cops? It was said that the footage of them kissing is 15 minutes long. That’s WAY too long to stand there recording them. If you want to call the cops immediately, I get it. But you can’t wait 15 minutes then decide it’s too much. After that amount of time the people in the window go from “Wait those people might see us” to “Looks like these people want a show.” You need to make a decision right off the bat. Giving this couple time to go from foreplay to full sex then deciding to give them blue balls is just fucking rude.