
Wake Up With Some Big Punches Thrown In The Bryce Harper Vs Hunter Strickland Brawl

This is one of the better brawls we've seen in baseball. There was some history between Hunter Strickland and Bryce Harper, and Strickland decided to take it out in a close game in the 8th inning. Strickland did hit Harper where you should hit them if you're gonna throw at someone, right in the hip. Harper decided to not take it lying down and began the trot towards the mound. Unfortunately for Harper, he had arguably the most embarrassing helmet throw ever seen in any sport and literally threw the helmet sideways, a bad look all around. Some big punches did land in this fight, and even a bone crushing block that literally ended Michael Morse's career. Kinda shitty that his career was ended because of a brawl where he was trying to protect a teammate. Overall this brawl was pretty damn entertaining, really had everything you want in a fight. IDK if I'll ever get over Bryce chucking that helmet sideways though.