
Become A Fan Of Barstool's Basketball Team In The 500K Tourney And Watch Me Dunk For The 10,000th Time




Click here to get us in the dance. 


So when Stoolie Matt Walsh contacted me and Dave a few months ago about his basketball tournament he told us he had guys like Dahntay Jones and Ryan Gomes but that he still needed someone with size. Someone who could shut down the other team’s bigs/use all of his fouls and possibly a couple technicals. Well Matt, you came to the right spot. I’m that guy. Now we need Stoolie support. If we get enough votes we’ll be able to play Mo and Smitty’s team in the first round. This needs to happen. So click here and become a fan so we can have a showdown for the ages/have me sit on the bench while NBA players win us some money.


Click here to get us in the dance. 




Between us? I’m getting kind of sick of dunking all the time. Living above the rim has sort of lost it’s luster.