
When You're Hot, You're Hot. The Streak Continues, Blackhawks Now 17-0-3

I’m running out of things to say about this Blackhawks team. Its become completely unreal. Last night was just another chapter in this season’s Book of winning every way possibly. The game started. Toews won the faceoff, passed to Seabrook, Seabrook shot it over to Keith, up to Hossa, across to Saad and then back to Toews. Boom. 12 Seconds. Game Over. That was it. And yeah it was a close game for the first two periods, but the game winner happened before anyone could even blink. I guess when you’re hot you’re hot.

Other Game Notes

-I have no idea what happened to Crow but I’m officially in the worried stage. The “Upper Body Injury” In hockey could literally mean anything. And if he left abruptly like last night that probably means Concussion. Although Q said after the game that it wasn’t related to his previous injury, so maybe I’m looking too much into it. Hope so.

-With the above stated, how about Emery coming in completely cold and pitching a shutout? I think we can all agree that we don’t trust Emery in the long term here but he has been incredible and having 2 hot goalies is a luxury I will never complain about.

-I hate St. Louis. I hate the city. I hate the people and I hate the Blues. That felt good to say out loud.

-Eddie and Pat are usually at least slightly buzzed every night but last night seemed extra special. I’m pretty sure they both blacked out halfway through the second period.




-I guess we’re here now. “Bitches Love Hossa”.


Just wish my chick Niykee Heaton (who pretends Barstool doesn’t exist because she wants to make it big on World Star Hip Hop) would have sung this one.