
Eagles Are Closing In On Chris Polian To Be Their New "GM"


PFT – The Eagles have opened the offseason by making a change to the structure of their organization with Howie Roseman’s title changing from General Manager to executive vice president of football operations and coach Chip Kelly taking on a bigger role in player personnel matters. The team has been looking for another personnel executive to take on some of the General Manager duties while working under Kelly and that search reportedly took a step forward recently. Jeff McLane of the Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Jaguars director of pro personnel Chris Polian interviewed with the Eagles for a second time. Polian appears to be the first candidate to get a second opportunity to talk to the Eagles, who have seen other candidates blocked by their current teams or other ambitions as they try to find the right person to slot into their reworked front office. Polian has spent the last two years working with the Jaguars and was the Colts’ General Manager from 2009-2011, although the presence of his father Bill at the top of the organization made that job look similar to the one he’d fill with the Eagles if he winds up in Philly.
Yeah…”GM”. All aboard Chip’s ship! Whoever they bring in as the new General Manager isn’t going to have final say, but it is still an important hire. You want Chip to be surrounded by the smartest people in the room to help decide the best moves for the team. On the surface, Chris Polian appears to be a great fit. Young(ish) buck who is the son of a living NFL personnal legend in Bill Polian. You’d think he’d call up Daddy whenever he had a decision to make and get his two cents, right? Um, wrong. Here’s a look at Chris Polians credentials coming into this year:

Yuck. I try to be as objective as possible, but there’s not a lot to smile about on that resume. If Polian wants to try either console with his father about thought he has or try out the Costanza method and go against every instict he has, fine. But if not he better stay in the shadows and massage Chip Kelly’s ego/balls. Chip’s Ship is on a steady course for success and we can’t have anyone sink it to the bottom.
