
This Video On the History of Major League Ballparks Is the Best Thing You'll Watch Today

As has been the case with the MLB The Show league with Major Leaguers and now cool videos like this, it apparently took baseball being taken away for MLB to create its best content. Whatever works, I guess.

Major League Ballparks have always fascinated me. I've never really felt anything when I've gone to a new basketball or hockey arena for the first time, but every time I visit a new ballpark it feels special. I've made it to 10 so far and my goal is to get to all 30 in the next 15 years or so — I had plans to go to Fenway, Nationals Park and the new Rangers ballpark this year, RIP.

I loved watching this explanation on why ballparks today are the way they are and why they were the way they were in the 20th Century. There's something that feels special about the uniqueness of a ballpark that you obviously don't get with the uniform playing dimensions in every other sport and a little history lesson on how some of the things we see now came to be is really cool.\

Man, I miss baseball. Here's hoping we get some iteration of it this year.