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CMU Player Comes An Inch Away From Getting Splattered By Collapsing Hoop




Anyone ever died on the court from a hoop falling on their dome?  I’m pretty good with basketball history, don’t think I can recall that happening though.  Don’t get me wrong I would never wish that on anyone, just saying, can’t really argue the greatest posterization facial dunk in history would be slamming the entire hoop and basket down onto a bro’s head and splattering him into a million pieces.  Take those “RIP Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 9.11.55 AMScreen Shot 2015-03-02 at 9.11.55 AMScreen Shot 2015-03-02 at 9.11.55 AM ” tweets to a whole new level and make my Vine account explode.






PS – Ripping the entire hoop down Shaq-style is cool no doubt, but nothing tops a backboard glass shattering dunk. Something so primal and awesome about slamming so hard that it rains glass down on your head as your come down from the rim, Chocolate Thunder style.