
The next 7 days will be PS2 week at the Walker house

There's nothing better than uncovering a stack of old video games in your garage. I went hunting today and did just that, uncovering part of my PS2 collection. 

Let me stop there and say this: The PlayStation 2 is the greatest gaming system ever created. I will admit I'm biased because I play almost exclusively sports games, but the PS2 was the modern pinnacle of sports games. Every sport had at least one phenomenal entry in the PS2 library and some, like basketball (NBA Street series, NBA Live, College Hoops 2K5, NBA2K) had multiple. I flunked so many college classes because of this system.

What I found today was: MVP Baseball 2005, NCAA Baseball 2006 and NCAA Football 2003. I still have several others in the garage somewhere but my eBay hunt begins now as I rebuild the perfect PS2 sports lineup. You're welcome to help me.

In my mind the perfect PS2 sports lineup includes the three I already mentioned plus:

Tiger Woods 2005

Madden 04


NBA Live 05

NBA Street Vol. 2

NHL Hitz 2002

High Heat Baseball 2002

Fight Night

NFL Street

College Hoops 2K5

MLB Slugfest

That's just the start. Feel free to add to the list.

PS2 month starts now.