Surviving Barstool S4 Ep. 13 | One Text Changes The GameWATCH NOW


Hey Notre Dame - Get Over Yourself

No disrespect to the digital postcards crafted by Matt Cashore and Barbara Johnston here. For all intents and purposes they did a fine job and blah blah blah. But literally holy fucking shit... what an uppity douchebag Notre Dame move to think your squirrels are better than my squirrels

Or that Jesus died for your football team

I mean one time just try to get over yourselves Notre Dame. Middle of a pandemic and you're celebrating things like Majesty and Divine Beauty when you could be social distancing and donating 3d printing masks like Levi here. It's disgusting. You guys disgust me.

Before I go tho - just a word to all the Notre Dame students who saw that video and went Awwwwwwwww. You guys make me sick. For $27,000 this semester you will now get a bunch of online classes and absolute zero pageantry. Most places we call that community college and it builds character. 

Your class rings are in the mail.