I Think I Discovered The Blueprint To Beating Marshawn Lynch At Press Conferencing
Seems like Marshawn did his usual (awesome) routine, right? Same quote, over and over, for the minimum amount of time then you get out of dodge. Never opening up to anyone and doing your best to keep everything a secret. Marashawn succeeded again.
Seems pretty clear to me there that we’ve found the blueprint to beat Marshawn. Like when a bad team loses but still exposes the fatal flaw in a good team’s defense. Marshawn got emotional as anyone just there. Blew kisses, bit his lower lip, mouthed thank you, even called her sexy. What did all this follow? Well she threw him a sandwich. So that’s the key. Have sexy ass ladies shower Marshawn Lynch with food and he’ll eventually let his guard down. I guess this all could’ve been assumed since that’s every man’s Kyptonite but it seems this is the first time the tactic has been employed.