
The NFL Doubles Down On Their Lie….Leaks Info Claiming An Unidentified Ball Boy Is Under Investigation



shadow theyhateus



PHOENIX Deflategate has taken another twist. FOX Sports has learned that the NFL has zeroed in on a New England Patriots locker-room attendant in connection with the scandal of improperly inflated footballs used in the AFC championship game against Indianapolis. The person of interest was already interviewed by the league. The NFL is trying to determine whether any wrongdoing by this individual occurred, sources tell FOX Sports.There is surveillance video showing the attendant taking the footballs from the official’s locker room into another room at Gillette Stadium before bringing them out to the field, sources tell FOX Sports. The NFL confiscated 11 of 12 footballs at halftime that were under the league-mandated air pressure of 12.5 PSI. The league has since launched an investigation into the matter.


This is getting pathetic. I mean can the NFL be more transparent here? Their entire story is in shambles. Their entire world is crumbling. The facts aren’t adding up. Even the mainstream media is demanding answers. People are calling for an investigation. Everybody knows it was a sting. An inside job from the word go. So what does the NFL do? Another anonymous source leaking information about a shadowy unnamed figured at Gillette who took the gameballs from the refs and brought them inside and then back outside. GASP! NO NOT THAT! I guess this is what the NFL wants though. Nobody talking about the game. Deflategate garbage 24/7. Is it worth it though Roger? Is it worth ruining the biggest game this country has to offer with this feeble smear campaign? Why? Because Bill Belichick is smarter than you? Because he has a bigger dick than you? You leak this story in an attempt to throw people off your scent and save your skin?  PATHETIC.  The jealous are troublesome to others but a torment to themselves – William Penn.  Ever heard of him?