Lawrence Tynes Is the Biggest Pussy On the Internet
So last night after the Pats game Lawrence Tynes (former Giants kicker) tweeted this out. Basically a kick in the dick to all Patriot fans. Listen the Giants beat us fair and square. They definitely have a degree of bragging rights. They caught a ball off a helmet and beat us without Gronk. If I was a Giants fan I’d probably chirp at us too. Hate the best. I don’t even care that he was literally a non factor in those games and nobody had any idea he was even on those teams. My issue is this. After he tweeted that out I looked at his profile and saw that he’s not even in the league anymore. He’s a salesman for Wheels Up which is a private Jet company. So I asked him if he could help me with airfare to Arizona.
His next move was this. He blocked me on twitter.
Are you shitting me? What a gigantic vagina. You start chirping Pats fans from the cheap seats and then block people when they respond? That should be a felony. It’s one thing to go at a guy for no reason, but not when you provoke people you can’t just take your ball and go home. Seriously in all my years of interneting Lawrence Tynes has to be the biggest pussbag I’ve ever encountered and that’s saying something.