
Remember That Couple Banging In The Office Window Yesterday? Well The Dude's Wife Just Found Out About It On Facebook

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Daily MailAs if being watched by a bar full of drinkers having sex with a company secretary wasn’t bad enough, the wife of the senior insurance manager caught in the sex romp then found out about the man’s extramarital affair on Facebook.

It’s just the latest twist in a sex scandal that has become a social media sensation. The married man, understood to have children, has still not shown his face at insurance firm Marsh Ltd in Christchurch as bosses conduct an employment investigation.

The man’s wife was said to be distraught over the incident after discovering the affair on Facebook.

‘She had no idea until she came across it on Facebook on Monday night. She’s in pieces and can’t even speak to him,’ a source said.

The mood at the Christchurch branch is said to be ‘rather tense’.

“The other employees are all keeping their heads down and are just trying to get on with things. It’s a pretty surreal situation for them,” an insurance industry insider said.

It had earlier emerged that the man – a senior employee at the firm – is married and the woman, in her 20s, had become recently engaged, the New Zealand Herald reports. The company is conducting an investigation and the woman has deleted her Facebook account.

It comes after the romp caught the eye of revellers at the Carlton Bar and Eatery across the street, who then posted images on Reddit, Facebook and Twitter.

The incident provoked a huge reaction with one witness saying that because it went on for ‘a good half hour’, patrons in the bar ‘started to get bored and drift off back to the dance floor’.



As of checking Facebook wasn’t depressing enough these days.  You hop on there and log in looking to kill some time, end up drudging through a timeline of nobodys you haven’t thought about in 10 years posting 100 pictures of their new baby or their engagement ring or simple status updates on what they had for lunch sandwiched in between fake news articles and Buzzfeed “13 Potatoes That Look Like Channing Tatum” posts.   Meanwhile 85 notifications to play Candy Crush pop up and you keep getting message alerts from the nerd running your high school reunion asking if you’re planning on RSVPing or not.

Now imagine this poor lady dealing with all that AND seeing her loving husband absolutely plowing through his secretary while a bar cheers him on?  Jesus, so depressing.  Probably had a pot roast in the oven waiting for him to get home with the table all set up and candles lit as you hit play on the hot new viral video sweeping social media.  Oops, it’s your husband hitting that blonde slut Marsha from the office doggystyle on the conference table.  Night = ruined.