
Curt Schilling Says He Didn't Get Into The Hall of Fame Because He's A Republican And John Smoltz Is A Democrat






(EEI)[Smoltz] is a Hall-of-Famer. And I think the other big thing is that I think he’s a Democrat, and so… I know that as a Republican, that there’s some people who really don’t like that.




Fair argument from Curt here. It’s not exactly a secret that everyone hates conservatives who speak out against big government then piss away 75 million tax payer dollars on a video game company. Most people are also pretty down on those who deny evolution. That’s a fact. The liberal media hates those guys, so it’s pretty safe to assume it would cost Big Schill a ton of HOF votes. Small problem, though. Smoltz isn’t exactly a democrat. He’s a devout Christian who hates gays (he gave the classic “What’s next? Marrying animals?” response to gay marriage once) and it was speculated that he would run for a Republican seat in Congress as recently as 4 years ago. But still, if it weren’t for Curt’s conservative views he’d be in Cooperstown.



PS – Having said all that, Schilling deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. Him only getting 39% of the votes is a joke. He’s the same exact starting pitcher as Smoltz only better in the postseason and with more World Series rings. I acknowledge that Smoltz has the saves, but Smoltz finished with 82% of votes and Schilling got 39%. The disparity isn’t even close to that big.


PPS – I do feel bad about those tweets. That’s mean, guys. Lay off Crazy Curt.