
NSFW: The Getty Museum Challenged People To Recreate Famous Works Of Art And The Results Are Pretty Cool

Field hockey stick gets the job done:

Pardon My Blasphemy but some would say this is even better than a child:

You sort of have to do that Magic Eye book thing to see it, but I see it:

No matter the year one thing is certain: Dogs be nappin'. 

Honestly I prefer the unicorn version:


Nailed it:

Pretty much me at this point:

Oh wow, holy shit. Smokeshow alert:

If you want to try it for yourself (or pose it as a challenge to your kids to give yourself a few moments of quiet, for the love of all that is holy), their archives & exhibits can be found here:


OR - Take it a step further and recreate your favorite Barstool moments. If you do, tag me in them and if I get enough I'll do another blog featuring yours! Ooooo, ahhhh.