
46. High School Football Player Apollos Hester Delivers A Motivational Post Game Interview For The Ages



So this is going uber viral right now, and for all the right reasons. It’s nice to see a positive football story arise out of the river of shit that’s been slung our way recently.

Great speech. Greater man. Greatest name. The kid is a walking Disney movie with a title that deserves to headline billboards. I don’t even care if he can act just pair that name up with another big time actor and it’s millions in the bank. Apollos Hester Vs. Channing Tatum. Ha. Sounds like a damn monster movie.

PS – Lauren Mickler can GET IT. Call her up to the big leagues, FOX. Would rather look at her than listen to Tony Siragusa struggle to breathe on the sidelines any day of the week.



– Smitty