
Just a Good Old Fashioned 20 Person Donnybrook at a Kindergarten Graduation

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HP - One man hit another while newly graduated kindergarten students were celebrating with punch and cookies, triggering a melee that involved up to 20 people and resulted in the lockdown of an elementary school near Cincinnati, authorities said Tuesday. Mount Healthy Schools Superintendent Lori Handler said the lockdown was ordered Monday because parents were panicking and school officials wanted to make sure no one else wandered into the fight scene. She said some 150 children were with their families in the Mount Healthy North Elementary School cafeteria when the fight broke out over an apparent domestic dispute. Other people began pushing and shoving in a mass near the cafeteria doors until several police cruisers arrived and officers began restoring order. Authorities said no one was seriously injured. “People never cease to amaze me,” Handler said. “It was a beautiful ceremony, with grandparents, parents, the 5-year-olds … then out of the blue, the man hit another man in the face. I was absolutely shocked.” Police were seeking Raymond Walker, 33, on charges of assault and inducing panic. No other arrests were made. “It was horrible,” parent Kim Calai told WCPO-TV. “I’m standing there, and all of a sudden, this rush of people throwing punches is coming at me.” She said her young son kept asking why the police came. “To have something like that happen at a graduation is pretty pathetic,” Calai said. A telephone message left Tuesday at Walker’s home was not immediately returned. “We’re going to prosecute to the fullest extent possible,” Handler said. “We are sending a strong message that you cannot act that way around 5-year-old children.”

Fucking Steve, man. Can’t even graduate from kindergarten without starting melees left and right. You know it’s for sure something Steve did that caused the parents to start duking it out. Probably started stealing some other kid’s cookies and juice box because he was mad jealous the cool kid Eric was stealing his girl again. And there’s no place for that at a kindergarten graduation, so of course the parents had to step in and settle it with knuckle shuffles. You know that little asshole Steve is to blame for everything. Fucking Steve.