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The Top Of The Empire State Building Turning Into A Giant Ambulance Siren Is A Mix Of Terrifying, Haunting, And Beautiful

Look, my differences with The Empire State Building have been well documented on this website and I stand by everything I said in the past. But I have to tip my cap to that tall drink of water for what he is doing tonight for the city by honoring the people at the front line of this war against coronavirus in the epicenter of the pandemic at home.


I will say that seeing a skyscraper turn into a giant ambulance like a scene straight out of Ghostbusters may shoot the anxiety of some New Yorkers that were already sky high to another stratosphere, which is #bad. But it also may cause the people that don't realize there is an actual real life emergency taking place in their city to listen to officials, start staying inside to avoid the spread, and practice social distancing which is #good, unlike these fucking morons earlier today.

This song has been referenced on Barstool New York countless times but never has it resonated quite like this. Stay safe everyone and please think about your health as well as the healthy of millions of other people with your actions in the coming days, weeks, and months.

Also to be clear, my rivalry with Empy will resume once this is all over. But until the rona is gone, the beef is on hiatus.

h/t jorster