
I'm Genuinely Taken Aback By The Backlash From Calling Worcester Western Mass

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So yesterday I posted this blog about the Worcester man with a car in his bedroom and said he’s exactly how I picture people from western Mass. Well to say there’s been uproar from Worcester natives would be an understatement. People are furious. I’m getting death threats and called a moron from every corner of the internet, who knew they even had computers and the internet all the way out yonder? Honestly, I didn’t even mean it as an insult. It wasn’t a troll. I just meant it as a statement of fact. Worcester is in western Massachusetts. Anything west of 495 is. Hell, once you pay tolls on the pike in Allston you’re in western Massachusetts. That’s just a reality. Central Massachusetts isn’t a thing, it’s a mythical place made up by people who don’t want to say they’re from the sticks. I had morons screaming at me to look at a map, even had someone tell me they live right near some tree that’s the “EXACT CENTER OF MASSACHUSETTS!” Oh yeah? What map are they using to judge that? Because the one I’ve provided atop this blog is the correct map of The Commonwealth. Saying you live in Worcester and you’re in the center of Mass is like saying you’re from Jersey but live “right outside NYC.” Sure, I guess you’re technically correct, but you’re also very wrong. Sorry you guys all had to find out this way, I really thought you knew.