
Kirk Herbstreit is full of shit, man

I love Kirk Herbstreit. I've always been a fan. In fact, in October of 1999, my friends Phil (would later go on to fame as owner of the Smoke Stack, featuring the Brandon Walker Smoking Lounge) and Allen (my sports texting friend) joined me as we skipped our community college classes and drove to the Golden Triangle Regional Airport because we'd received inside information that Herbstreit, Lee Corso and Chris Fowler were going to be renting cars from National Rent-A-Car at 10:41 a.m. to drive to Starkville for their game assignment the next night.

So we stalked them in the airport lobby. Corso and Fowler big-timed us and ignored us, but Herbstreit talked for five minutes. He was wearing a red "S" Stanford hat because he said it was a very neutral hat. Maybe it was S for State. I don't know. Anyway, he was the nicest celebrity I've ever met.

But today he was full of shit.

Kirk says he'd be shocked if we have NFL or college football this year. Listen, I don't know what's going to happen to this season. But you know who else doesn't know? Kirk Herbstreit. He joined a chorus of college football voices that have recently been waving the white flag of surrender to the season in March. In fucking March.

Herbstreit may be right, he may be wrong. But why can't we agree on a date like June 1 or something and say that we'll start making these doomsday proclamations then? 

College football is entertainment, and just the fucking thought of it makes me feel better right now. 

We're still in the throes of this crap and will be for some time. That much is not debatable. But we're all swimming in the unknown, and these national CFB voices falling all over themselves to be the first voice who correctly calls the cancellation of the season is an embarrassment.

Wolken doesn't know. Herbstreit doesn't know. I don't know what this country will be like in six months. And calling the season off in March just reeks of fear porn that the national media is trafficking in these days.

In my opinion, just the thought and hope of having a normal thing like college football back in my life in six months feels pretty damn good. If it turns out to be a pipe dream, whatever. I'll be no more right or wrong than any of these assholes who are screaming from the mountaintop that doom is coming.

Somebody have some hope for once. Shit.

And it was me who gave the inside information. I worked at National and geeked out when I saw Corso, Herbstreit and Fowler were getting cars the next day. Did I break a law?

Also, I love you, Kirk.