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Breaking News: Jen Sterger Is Breaking Out the Cowgirl Outfit for FSU vs. Florida This Weekend




I don’t want to say this is bigger than when Hulk Hogan came back to the red and gold after the NWO, but it is.   Jen Sterger was the original cowgirl.  The original super hot chick in the crowd who Brent Musberger made famous.   Without her there is no Katherine Webb.   Without her there is no Smokeshow Patrol.  She’s the original.  She’s the girl who Bret Favre sent his dick to.  She’s the one who made ogling girls in the crowd in vogue.  And guess what?  She’s still crazy hot.  Suddenly FSU Miami became must watch television.

PS – You know what’s sad?  When we went to FSU for our gameday show nobody knew who Sterger was.  It was stunning.  Talk about feeling old.  I mean how do you not know who Jen Sterger is?  It would be like not knowing who George Washington is.




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- Thanks to Busch League Sports for tip