
Conor McGregor Purchases $1Mil+ Worth Of Equipment To Be Distributed In Hospitals Across Ireland

I can't believe you all thought he was toast - because he's very much still the bread.

Conor McGregor wants to knock this coronavirus out with the same urgency he wanted to knock Cowboy Cerrone out, huh?! Guy is on fire! Do you think he realizes the longer this goes on, the longer he'll have to wait for the eventual Khabib rematch? Like everyone's saying, he's feeling like a well behaved kindergartener watching one or two kids ruin recess for everybody?!

Seriously though - from yesterday's video... today's exchange with Minister Paschal Donohoe, where he announced the purchase of $1million euros worth of "personal protective equipment to be deployed to all of the fighting hospitals in the Leinster region (of Ireland), our most affected region to this date", and strongly urged the Minister to start taking the virus more seriously...

...I gotta tell ya - I really like this new and improved Conor McGregor, makin' changes in the world. Big fan.