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I'm Starting To Freak Out About My Impending Blog Neck

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(Source)Sixty pounds is roughly the weight of four adult-sized bowling balls. Or six plastic grocery bags worth of food. Or an 8-year-old. It is also, according to a new calculation published in the journal Surgical Technology International, the amount of force exerted on the head of an adult human who is looking down at her phone. Kenneth Hansraj, a New York back surgeon, found this figure using a computer model of a human spine. An average human head weighs about 10 to 12 pounds, and tilting it down to check Facebook, send a text, or to Google the weight of an a human head increases the gravitational pull on said cranium.




Ever since I was a kid the idea of a hunchback has freaked me out. The first time I saw an old, sad person slumped over in a Denny’s booth I began sucking in my stomach and straightening my spine, to practice perfect posture. But now, I’m realizing that’s all for naught. I’ll never be anything but a bell ringing idiot. Fighting it is deciding to fight an impossible battle. We will all be a large “C” by the time we’re ready to die. We can poke fun at Pres and his horrific neck now, but we’ll be there. Soon enough, we’ll join him. I mean how often do you look at your phone? How often do you have your laptop in your lap while you watch TV? The only time my head is completely upright is when I’m texting and driving, holding my phone in front of my face. The rest of the time? Best case scenario I’m at a 45 degree angle. So appreciate what you have for now. Run, jump, look at things that are at eye level. Because sooner rather than later your head is going to be running parallel to the ground permanently. It’s like reverse evolution or some shit.