
Dude Busted After Faking A Coma For Two Years In Order To Avoid A Court Date

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(Source)A fraudster who pretended to be in a coma for two years was caught by police going on shopping trips and holidays with his family. Conman Alan Knight of Swansea, South Wales, faked being in a vegetative state after he scammed his next door neighbour out of £40,000. The 47-year-old tried to beat justice by claiming he was a quadriplegic – his family said he was hooked up to oxygen and had no movement from the neck down. But a court heard he was caught out after CCTV captured him walking around Tesco and driving his car to Dorset. Knight was then hauled before Swansea Crown Court where he admitted scamming the pensioner who lived next door to him out of thousands of pounds. The fraudster had been living off benefits after claiming he had suffered a massive neck injury. The court was told how he ‘systematically’ funnelled £41,570 out of the pensioner’s bank account which he used to pay for holidays and to buy a caravan in Dorset. The father-of-three was caught on CCTV at the Severn bridge toll on the M4 as he travelled back from the south coast. He was also captured on CCTV in Tesco stores across the country after police traced the use of the family’s loyalty club card. Officers tried ‘at least twice’ to bring him to court but each time he admitted himself to hospital claiming his condition had worsened. Swansea Crown Court was told he had ‘pulled the wool’ over his GP’s eyes but he was unable to fool doctors at the hospital. While he was on ‘observations’ they spotted him eating, wiping his face and even writing.





This is on the court system, no? From what I gather, they’d set a court date then when that day rolled around he’d say “Can’t do it, I’m in a coma” and these silly Brits would just be like “Oh goodness, that sounds horrible. Well get better and we’ll reschedule.” It’s not like he was laying in bed with his eyes closed for two years, he was out doing things and when Johny Law came a calling he’d have an episode. That’s their fault. If this guy was in a hospital bed for two years actually fake sleeping then I’d take my hat off to him, but he didn’t. As a professional fake sleeper (I’m really good at it, I’ve tricked everyone from my mom trying to make me go to school as a kid to my dad trying to get me to do chores to girls in my house that I did not want there any longer) I take offense to this “faked a coma for two years” shit. No you didn’t. You faked a coma for two separate days over two years and the second the court realized Hey maybe we should see what the doctor’s say about all this ‘coma’ business you couldn’t hack it. Deserve to be thrown in jail IMO.