LIVE NOW: Join Us To Watch Star Wars Episode I TONIGHT On YouTube (With Clem, Robbie Fox, Joey Mulinaro And More)



We will be trying something new tonight now that people are working from home, quarantined and don't have any sports on television to watch. So make sure at 8:30PM EST to head to the Lights Camera Barstool YouTube page...

There will be a timer on the screen so you can sync up your version of 'The Phantom Menace' with ours. You can watch the movie here on Disney+ by clicking this link. We will be interacting with the chat, commenting on the movie and talking about whatever else pops up! It will be myself, KenJac, Robbie Fox, Clem and our newest hire, Joey Mulinaro…

If this goes well, we will be doing more of these while the country is mostly shut down and likely some others in the future!

Check back here at 8:30 for more…