
No Biggie, Just Taylor Swift Proving That She's The Funniest Superstar In The World

Not sure if people have ever seen this thread that was popular on Tumblr, but someone used a pic of Taylor Swift and cracked wise about the dangers of marijuana


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Well here’s my girl Taylor out last night in a “no its becky” tshirt. HYSTERICAL.


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And I want to make it perfectly clear that I’m not being sarcastic when I said, “HYSTERICAL.” That’s genuinely funny. Just like “Shake It Off” she found a way to be cute and self-aware while making a few jokes. I’m one of those guys who can honestly say his girlfriend is hilarious. Perfect 5 tool player: hot, funny, rich, legs, and a golden voice. Omg is that Taylor Swift over there? no its becky. #bowdownbitches