
It's 3:16 on 3-16, Gimme a Hell Yeah!


I've done this blog every year for 5 years. Every year I hit publish at exactly 3:16 pm and smile. It's the little things, you know? 

Today though? Today I was at the damn grocery store. Buying soup n shit. By the way, complete shit show at the grocery store. You're supposed to stay 6 feet away from everyone and avoid crowds, but if you want food you have no choice. Some lady tried to hand me a canned good and was asking where the expiration date was. I was like are you kidding me lady? 

I was also just grabbing anything on the shelf. You end up waiting in line to check out for about 30 minutes and it weaves all around the store so you end up standing in front of some random items you've never seen before. I am now the proud owner of Bubba Burger vegan spicy chicken patties. LOL. I figured there would never in my life be another time I would ever stand in front of those, so I bought them. Will report back.

So anyway, that's why this blog didn't go up at 3:16. It completely slipped my mind. Some things, man. 

Also, kinda depressing that I've always written the following in this blog:

Money is flying, the tournament is rolling, and Austin 3:16 said I just whooped your ass!

So get up on your desk, give your boss the double freedom fingers, and pound some Steveweisers right in his grill.

It's always right smack dab in the middle of the tournament when everyone is watching at work. Such a different tone this year. Next year we'll do it up correctly. That's my promise. We will stone cold some beers at 3:16.

But the facts remain true. There will never be anyone better than Stone Cold Steve Austin. And that’s the bottom line, because Barstool Nate said so.