
Yoel Romero Is Desperately Trying To Prove That Stylebender Didn't Mess Up His Leg

Israel Adesanya vs Yoel Romero was the fight that nobody asked for leading into UFC 248, and the fight everyone wants to pretend never happened coming out of it, because, well...

...because it sucked. Just stunk out loud. There was pretty much no activity whatsoever.

I'd say the main narrative coming out of the fight outside of the lack of narratives coming out of the fight was that Stylebender chopped down the leg of Yoel Romero making it harder for him to come forward. 

Dana White was talking about it post-fight, Adesanya the same, and Yoel took exception to that... 

Homeboy started dancing at the post-fight presser! Doin a lil cha-cha or something! Kinda hilarious.

Stylebender has pretty much leaned into self-deprecation as far as the fight goes…

…while Yoel is still out here trying to prove that his leg is fine.


I mean - what even is that video? What's that little transition midway through? Quick cross-dissolve for the boys and girls at home?

Yoel - you didn't show up to fight! Don't get me wrong, I'm petrified of you, but you just didn't wanna fight on Saturday!

Let it…