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Cringeworthy Video Of The American Idol Judges Getting Upset At A Contestant For Not Knowing Who They Are

"Who am I?!" Name my songs! I've been in the industry for two-hundred years!" We know, Lionel, and you haven't had a good song in the last one-hundred and ninety-nine of them. Relax. Also, Luke Bryan has arguably the most generic face of all time so I don't know why he's getting upset. No one listens to tractor music in Hawaii. Katy Perry I get, she's got a unique enough look, but the other two can kick rocks. 

Apparently he said he doesn't know who they are because he's "in the ocean everyday." 

Source - The “American Idol” judges agreed on Sunday’s episode that contestant Lou Dawg was a “dreamboat.”

But viewers may have had that sinking feeling when he seemed to confuse panelist Luke Bryan with Justin Timberlake, had no inkling who Lionel Richie was, and couldn’t name a song by Katy Perry.

Dawg, from the Hawaii island Oahu, tried to explain his lack of pop culture knowledge by saying he’s been “in the ocean everyday.”

Dawg sang an original song that Perry thought might work on the beach after surfing, but needed more work. Dawg’s unclear show business aspirations didn’t impress the judges, either. They sent him home.

Makes sense to me. The hair checks out. I honestly didn't even know American Idol was still a thing until I saw this clip. That show died the second Simon Cowell left and rightfully so...the man was a savage. Best judge in the history of TV judges and it's not even close. 


It's a shame they can't find talent like him to stick behind the desk. Oh well, best of luck to Luke. It stinks he got eliminated but something tells me he's going to be just fine. Worst case scenario he goes back to Hawaii and sings on the beach.