
Sam Ponder Is In Her Ivory Tower Looking Down At All The Blogs Who Decided To Disagree With Ray Rice KO'ing His Wife

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Hmmmm kind of a strange take here. The woman who was hired to stand on the sidelines, because she’s attractive, and report a stone’s throw away from girls who were hired to dance in their underwear, because they’re attractive, is against blogs saying women are attractive. Quite the stance. Guess I have to start approving chicks getting beaten now. Hey what do you want me to do? It’s out of my hands. I like pretty girls wearing little clothes and I think it’s funny that women are not great drivers. Only logical I that should stand and applaud anytime one takes an uppercut deathblow.


Editors Note – I know Feits blogged this already.  But I wrote it up too because I’m fired the fuck up. FUCK SAM PONDER THAT BIBLE THUMPING FREAK

So it’s official. Sam Ponder is an idiot. I mean this tweet from her is not only infuriating but mindbogglingly stupid. Hey Sam you really can’t see the difference between saying a chick is hot and beating the fuck out of a woman? You don’t see the difference? Like guys can’t look at girls in bikinis or talk about sex without thinking it’s okay to knock them unconscious? Please tell me you’re not this dumb. Seriously you sound like a KO Barstool freak, not a chick that has a job where  the #1 requirement is you make men hard. So give it a rest with your righteous indignation. Your entire career and livelihood is based on appealing to guys like me and blogs like ours. Bottomline is guys thinking chicks are hot is natural. It’s Darwinism. It’s never gonna change. But that doesn’t mean we don’t respect women and think it’s okay to hit a woman. I have no idea what’s so confusing about that. Go fuck yourself.